Time at Navarre Beach is intended to be RELAXING and REFRESHING and most of the time it is exactly that!
But we’ve all been on the trip where someone ends up running a fever and staying in bed for 3 days. Or your teenage son drops a contact down the drain. Or after 10 hours in the car your husband’s back is so tight he is not able to walk the beach as you planned and you know a good chiropractic adjustment is all that is needed. And what if you’re all enjoying movie and popcorn, and you break a tooth on one of the kernels?
What do you do and where do you go for treatment?
The unfortunate truth is Life gets Messy (even on Vacation)! My intent with this post is to inform you of local services and providers and to give you some tips to use with packing and preparing for your next trip to Navarre Beach, Florida!
Packing Tips:
Small First Aid Kit: You can purchase a small kit and just toss it in your bag or you can fill a gallon Ziplock with items you probably already have in your medicine cabinet. Items you will want to include:
Antiseptic (Rubbing Alcohol) wipes or small bottle
Pain Killers (And I’m not talking about the cocktail that has lots of rum!) –Tylenol, Advil, Aleve
Hydrocortisone Crème/Ointment—useful to treat skin irritations, bug bites
Triple Antibiotic Ointment—great for scrapes & cuts, and blisters
Band-aids-in various sizes (Bring multiples. You will be going in and out of pool and ocean so they will need to be replaced often)
Benadryl or other antihistamines—helpful if bitten or stung but also a great sleep aid
Tweezers and small pair of scissors (be sure to put in checked baggage if flying)
Sunscreen and Sunburn Treatment (aloe/lidocaine gels)
Prescriptions/Daily Medicines/Supplements: In addition to bringing what you will use during the trip plus 2 days, I encourage you to create a small card (3×5) that lists your medicines, dosage, supplements, and name and contact information for your doctor(s). The extra 2 days of medicines are “just in case” you have travel delays. The card is so that if you do have to seek medical treatment, the doctors, nurses, and health care providers will know exactly what meds you are taking before they prescribe drugs that may cause negative interactions.
Contact Lenses or Back-Up pair of Glasses: Several years ago, I had Lasik surgery, so I do not have to carry contact lenses anymore. However, before having the surgery I remember packing an extra pair of lenses anytime I traveled. Due to the sun, sand, and saltwater, your contacts may start to irritate your eyes and that backup pair will come to the rescue. Be sure to bring plenty of storing solution and drops for your eyes. I like to put drops in my eyes before and after a day on the beach just to help soothe them.
You may also want to bring a pair of “back up glasses”. When I still needed corrective lenses, I had a pair of glasses darkened to use as sunglasses so that I could go without my contacts on the beach. Unfortunately, when I went snorkeling, I had to decide to either wear contacts and risk one coming out or wear glasses but not be able to see underwater! Bring a backup pair just in case a very big wave comes over you and your eyeglasses are now in the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. Sunglasses are easy and inexpensive to replace—prescription glasses are not!
Upon Arrival—Ways to Relax:
Of course, you will have scheduled for delivery of your groceries, paper goods and beverages by Grocery Concierge so that you can just arrive and start relaxing!!!
Beach Walk:
Sometimes we arrive at the beach and we are still so “wired” from either the long car trip or the built-up stress that we’ve experienced over the past few months. To help you relax and fully appreciate your time on this beautiful beach, I encourage you to try a Beach Breath Walk. Walk at a slower than normal pace and breathe in for one step; breathe out for the next step, counting 3 or 4 for each breath/step. Continue as you walk, being mindful of your breath and your surroundings. Let the rhythm of the waves guide you along. Hear the sound of the waves. Feel the sand under your feet. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and arms. See all the colors of the sea, sky, and sun. Walk as long and as far as you need. If you are interested in more information about Breathing Exercises, check out this article in Natural Awakenings NWF.com
Massage Therapy:
One of my favorite things to do on vacation is to get a massage. I usually schedule them for a day when either the weather doesn’t look great or at least when I know we don’t have to be anywhere soon. After a good massage I often go back to the condo and take a nap—I try to drink plenty of water to wash out the lactic acid the therapist has created from the massage but I just want to rest and enjoy the feeling of lightness and fluidity. If you have never gotten a massage, I encourage you to try one on your next vacation. And for more information about what to expect after a massage, check out this article from Soothe:
Mobile Chiropractic Care:
Being a longtime patient of chiropractic services in Texas, I knew I would need to find a new one when I moved to Navarre. I LOVE Positive Chiropractic Solutions and Dr. Amanda Williams. Additionally, I have discovered that Navarre is home to Dr. Tim Price with Mobile Chiropractor, and I asked him to send information about his practice and tips for travel. If you are in Navarre and need an adjustment, please give him a call and schedule a time to take care of your back.
3 Concepts to Consider for Your Spine While Traveling
After being a Chiropractor for 22+ years, I am commonly asked by my patients what they could do on their own to care for their back. This article will provide some general concepts for back care and focus on caring for your neck and back while traveling and during your vacation.
Concept #1 – Motion is Life
This concept is a common one I always refer to. We have all felt that feeling getting up out of bed and feeling a little stiff. After we get up and move around, we start feeling better, looser. We can use this idea while traveling by moving more often. I recommend moving around about every hour when driving those multi-hour drives to your final destination. Take that rest stop…and move around. Take large steps that stretch your legs. Move your shoulders around. I commonly will do about 10 jumping jacks, take large steps towards the restroom, and move my shoulders in large circles (like a big windmill) at a rest area. You may get a few looks from bystanders, but it will pay off when you finally step out of that car and put your toes in that soft sand.
When at your final destination, you may be tempted to just relax in a soft chair. Instead of that, take a short walk. Check out your new surroundings. You’ll learn about your new area, and also do your body good.
Concept #2 – Stretch That Body
We’ve all seen that yoga instructor who can turn themselves inside out. We all wish we were that limber! This idea of stretching is a good one, and we all intuitively want more flexibility. But, that being said, we have to be careful with this one. I see some patients who never stretch while at home, then get to their warm destination and start to move their stiff bodies and before you know it, they’ve pulled a hamstring and there goes the golf and tennis games.
Ease into it. If you take that local yoga class, don’t try and keep up with your neighbor, stay within your range. You can make big changes within just a few weeks, but not in one session.
Start slow and only stretch after you have warmed up. One strategy is to walk/run for a short bit, then stop and do some stretching, then repeat. Again, ease into it. What stretches should I do? Good question. I recommend resources such as YouTube, or your local yoga studio to figure that out for yourself. I personally perform 3 basic stretches near-daily: Up-Dog, Down Dog, Cat-Cow. These are general spine stretching that keep me mobile.
Concept #3 – Get Some Sleep
We all know that when we get a good night’s sleep we feel and function better. Sleep is the time our bodies rejuvenate/re-charge. Getting good sleep while traveling can be a challenge. Most of the time we are driving to our vacation spot for many hours, or sometimes even days. During these vehicle times, I recommend picking up a travel neck pillow. It’s one of those that wraps around your neck. It may feel a little awkward at first, but can be a real neck saver. Without it, you’re destined to fall asleep with your head flopping around while traveling down the highway at 70+ MPH. Not a good plan for your neck.
Once at your vacation spot there is always the same issue for everyone. No matter where you are, your bed and pillows are going to be different from the bed you have at home. If you have the space and forethought, I would recommend you bring your personal pillows with you. This can be a vacation changer. I find that most places pick the biggest, fluffiest pillows for their beds…thinking that that is better and more impressive. Most of the time these pillows are way too big and end up pushing your chin to your chest for the 8 hours while in bed. Perfect neck pain causer! A good pillow for you will probably be different for you and your travel partners. We all have different spines. A good pillow is a neutral pillow. The one that supports, not stresses your neck.
As far as your bed, it’s a little harder to change that. Your options are limited. Hopefully, it won’t be too bad or too different than your own at home. If it’s hugely bothersome, I recommend going to your local superstore and purchasing a bed cover. You can get anything from an egg crate style to goose down. These can help in that they can decrease the pressure points to your spine that that vacation bed is throwing at you.
Enjoy your travels!
Written by, Dr. Tim Price, Mobile Chiropractor, Navarre, FL 678-521-4261 https://www.facebook.com/DrTimPrice/
I hope your trip to paradise does not require a trip to any of these local providers, but just in case…
Local Providers:
Rx Express Pharmacy is a compound pharmacy.
Publix: If you do need to have a prescription filled, Publix has filled more than 80 million prescriptions for free. It might be worth checking here first.
***Another option is to go to the store that you normally use back home and have them search their database for information. In Navarre, we have Walmart Superstore, Walgreens and CVS.
Clarkson Eye Care:
Walmart Vision Center:
Massage Therapy:
Navarre Healing Arts:
Medical Offices:
Urgent Care & ER opened in Sept 2020
***ER Opening 2021
Dental Office:
Ottley Smiles Dental Center
Wishing you a very happy and healthy vacation!